Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Hello Everyone,

Paul and my parents are home safely. He is currently at Magee Rehab in Philadelphia where he is receiving three hours of therapy per day: physical, occupational and speech. Paul has been improving a lot since he returned home. His appetite is exellent now and he has been asking for a Philly cheesesteak. He spent some time on the phone with a couple of friends last night (Joe Kennedy and Katherine). His long-term memory is excellent. He does not forget anyone and has enjoyed reminiscing with friends and family who have visited. He struggles at times with short term memory and word retrieval, but overall it is good as well. His wrists are very sore and still do not have much mobility, but he is working on that in therapy. We took him to see a neuro-opthamologist a few days ago. He will have a couple of studies completed to determine the damage to the optic nerves. He is still unable to see, but the doctor said his pupils did have movement in them which is a good sign and we should find out more about his visual prognosis in the next few weeks. We will also find out when he will be discharged from the Inptatient Rehab today. When he comes home he will likely go to a day program 3-5 days/week where he will continue his therapies.

Thank you for all of your love and support,



  1. Oh, that is wonderful!!! Go Paul!!!

  2. Thanks for the great news Tara

  3. What good news! We're so happy to hear it. Thanks, Tara, for the wonderful update. XO the Murrays XO

  4. Go Paul. We are all pulling for you here in the mountains. Love your nephew/son Emmett Wardwell

  5. wonderful to have you home Paul - sending you lots of love from Portland. Thanks for the updates Tara.

  6. This is great Paul. You're doing awesome! We're all thinking about you here in the NW.

  7. Would love to hear the latest on how Paul is doing.
    We think of you all often

    -Alfred Girls
