Thursday, October 22, 2009

Share your stories and pictures of good times with Paul

With Paul's many friends spread so far apart, several people have mentioned that they wished we had a way to share stories, pictures and video of Paul with one another. This site will continue to offer updates about Paul's condition and a place to donate to Paul's family, but rather than trying to keep in touch over facebook or other social sites, we have created a place online to share our stories with one another and be together as a community. It doesn't require any sort of log in, and its really easy.

Click here to check it out

1 comment:

  1. Dear Paul, Bonnie and Kevin,
    You have been in my prayers since I heard the news. I have also asked many friends at St. Peter's in Merchantville to pray for a safe and quick recovery. God Bless You and keep you safe.
    Nancy Page
