Thursday, October 29, 2009

Update 10/28/09

Friends and Family:

The medical team began to gradually remove both the sedation and the respirator recently. These weaning processes are both going well.

Currently, Paul is still on the respirator, but he is doing alot of the breathing on his own. They cannot remove the breathing tube completely until he is less sedated because sedation can reduce his respiratory drive. They also have to monitor the pressure in his head during the weaning process.

He continues to look better everyday and the swelling is coming down after all the reparative surgeries.

I should speak with my parents today and post more information this evening or tomorrow.

Thank you all for your love and support,


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping us updated!
    I know Paul has been in my thoughts alot lately. I am glad his family can be with him....
